- To reduce climate change effects to communities in IMCAA operational area through community resilience and adaptation strategies.
- To increased food security interventions among communities in IMCAA operational area.
- To enhance environmental conservation within IMCAA operational area.
In pursuit of its aims and objectives, IMCAA CBO will apply various approaches and methodologies that will include:-
- Formation of strong social groups
- Involvement, participation and empowerment of communities through their working social groups
- Encouragement of the democratic practices in all transactions and decision making processes
- Lobbying
- Networking and collaboration
- Linkages to information and enhancing communication amongst it members.

1 Participation by all
We shall promote active participation by all in the decision making process and in implementation of plans. We shall target our services to all people in the area covered by IMCAA CBO. We shall promote linkages, partnerships and networking with other organizations, agencies and Associations in working towards our vision.
2 Justice for all
We believe that everyone is entitled to fundamental human rights and to the basic essentials of life. It is the responsibility of everyone to assist and support anyone else who lack access to rights, resources, services, knowledge or information for all. We seek to strengthen the capacity of such people, particularly the poor and the marginalized to overcome the disabilities or obstacles that hinder access and we stand in solidarity with them.
3 Empowerment
In our development work, our approach is that of helping the people to help themselves. We believe that people have the God-given power to act in order o better their own living conditions. This power is enhanced by hem working in groups. Therefore, this enables them to collectively identify their problems, analyse the causes, seek solutions, plan, implement and evaluate together.
4 Dialogue, Peace and social communication
Dialogue means talking to each other. Dialogue helps to build bridges across dividing lines. We encourage and promote effective dialogue within MCAA CBO, among family members, between adults and youth, between employers and employees. We shall employ creative and innovative use of modern communication technology and techniques for promoting mutual understanding and for awareness creation and social mobilization.